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Saint Louis University makes every effort to keep our education affordable. In fiscal year 2023, 99% of first-time freshmen and 92% of all students received 金融援助 and students received more than $459 million in aid University-wide.

Select the applicable drop-down item to learn about tuition and costs by school or program of enrollment.


1818 Advanced College Credit Program

学费 每学分成本
U.S. 高中双录取 $75

Center for Advanced Dental Education (CADE)

学费/费用 每学期 每一个信用
研究生学费 $22,950
大学的费用 $435 full-time / $250 part-time
Student Government Activity Fee 30美元的研究生

College for Public Health and Social Justice

学费/费用 每学期 每一个信用
本科学费 全职 兼职
本科专业 $27,380 $1,920
研究生学费 全职/兼职
研究生课程 $1,370
大学的费用 $435 full-time / $250 part-time
Student Government Activity Fee $65 undergraduate / 30美元的研究生

College of Arts and Sciences

学费/费用 每学期 每一个信用
本科学费 全职 兼职
本科专业 $27,380 $1,920
研究生学费 全职/兼职
宗教教育硕士 $490
西班牙语教育学硕士 $650
研究生课程 $1,370
大学的费用 $435 full-time / $250 part-time
Student Government Activity Fee $65 undergraduate / 30美元的研究生

College of Philosophy and Letters

学费/费用 每学期 每一个信用
本科学费 全职 兼职
本科专业 $20,460 $1,410
纽曼中心 $225
研究生学费 全职/兼职
研究生课程 $1,370
大学的费用 $435 full-time / $250 part-time
Student Government Activity Fee $65 undergraduate / 30美元的研究生

Doisy College of Health Sciences

学费/费用 每学期 每一个信用
本科学费 全职 兼职
本科 $27,380 $1,920
研究生学费 全职/兼职
运动训练硕士 项目总成本55,000美元
Master of Occupational Therapy $23,610
Doctor of Occupational Therapy, Doctor of Physical Therapy $23,610 $1,650
其他研究生课程 $1,370
MS Speech, Language, Hearing Sciences
第一年秋天 $13,311
第一年春天 $13,311
第二年秋季 $12,361
第二年春天 $5,705
第一年秋天 $23,200
第一年春天 $23,200
第二年秋季 $16,550
第二年春天 $13,550
第三年秋季 $18,080
Doisy College Technology Fee $50
大学的费用 $435 full-time / $250 part-time
Student Government Activity Fee $65 undergraduate / 30美元的研究生

理查德的. 查菲兹商学院

学费/费用 每学期 每一个信用
本科学费 全职 兼职
本科 $27,380 $1,920
研究生学费 全职/兼职
Master of Business Administration (One-Year) $19,390
Master of International Business
Master of International Business (Non-博彩网址大全 Employee) 每年30240美元
Master of International Business (博彩网址大全 Employee) $1,400
Master of International Business (博彩网址大全 Employee) Supplemental Fee $2,275
Master of Business Administration (Professional) $1,310
Master of Science-Applied Financial Economics 项目总成本为42,000美元
Master of Science-Supply Chain Management 项目总成本为42,000美元
会计硕士 $1,310
专业证书 $1,310
哲学博士 $1,370
本科 Business School Software Fee $20
大学的费用 $435 full-time / $250 part-time
Student Government Activity Fee $65 undergraduate / 30美元的研究生

School for Professional Studies

学费/费用 每学期 每一个信用
标准学费 $650
Active Duty/Veteran (TA eligible or GI Bill); First Responders, per credit hour $295
大麻科学 & 操作 $400
Graduate Degrees and Post-Baccalaureate Certificates $790
医用大麻科学 & 操作 $625
地面 MS分析, 网络安全女士, MS资讯系统, Master of Professional Studies, MS项目管理 项目总成本为42,000美元
大学的费用 $60 per 8-week term or $120 per semester


学费/费用 每学期 每一个信用
本科学费 全职 兼职
本科 $27,380 $1,920
研究生学费 全职/兼职
Master of Arts in Teaching (Billiken Teacher Corps and Catholic Educators) $440
教育学硕士(MA. 领导 with Catholic Education Concentration $440
Other 大师 and Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Programs $680
Doctor of Education (EdD) in Ed. 领导 with Catholic Education Concentration $680
Doctor of Education (EdD) and Specialist in Education (EdS) in Ed. 领导 $970
哲学博士(PhD) $1,370
大学的费用 $435 full-time / $250 part-time / $120 distance learning
Student Government Activity Fee $65 undergraduate / 30美元的研究生


学费/费用 每学期 每一个信用
全日制(12+学分) $25,820
兼职(8-11学分) $18,840
兼职(1 - 7) $2,450
大学的费用 $435 full-time / $250 part-time
Student Government Activity Fee $30


学费/费用 每学期 每一个信用
医学博士 $34,060
SOM/博彩网址大全COR双学位 $990
研究生课程 $1,370
资源费(医学第一年) $1,164
资源的费用 (Med Year 2, Med Year 3) $276
资源费(医学第四年) $42
资源的费用 $76
Service Fee (Med Year 1, Med Year 2) $140
Service Fee (Med Year 3, Med Year 4) $40
USMLE世界二年级学生 360美元(一次性)
大学的费用 $435 full-time / $250 part-time
Student Government Activity Fee $30


学费/费用 每学期 每一个信用
本科学费 全职 兼职
本科专业 $27,380 $1,920
RN转BSN选项 $530
研究生学费 全职/兼职
Accelerated Generalist Master's in Nursing $1,300
Doctor in Nursing Practice (DNP) and Doctor in Philosophy (PhD) $1,370
其他研究生课程 $1,370
大学的费用 $435 full-time / $250 part-time / $120 distance learning
Student Government Activity Fee $65 undergraduate / 30美元的研究生

School of Science and Engineering

学费/费用 每学期 每一个信用
本科学费 全职 兼职
本科专业 $27,380 $1,920
研究生学费 全职/兼职
MS人工智能, MS Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 计算机科学硕士, 女士工程, 生物医学工程硕士, 和MS软件工程. 项目总成本为42,000美元
研究生课程 $1,370
本科 Technology Fee $350 full-time / $175 part-time
Graduate Innovation and 研究 Fee $100
大学的费用 $435 full-time / $250 part-time
Student Government Activity Fee $65 undergraduate / 30美元的研究生


学费/费用 每学期 每一个信用
本科学费 全职 兼职
本科专业 $27,380 $1,920
研究生学费 全职/兼职
Master of Social Work: Foundations track 项目总成本48,000美元
Master of Social Work: Advanced Standing track 项目总成本3万美元
MS Applied Behavior Analysis 项目总成本为39,000美元
MA Criminology and Criminal Justice 项目总成本3.3万美元
女士,您好! & MA CCJ (博彩网址大全雇员) $1,370
毕业证书 $1,170
其他研究生课程 $1,370
大学的费用 $435 full-time / $250 part-time
Student Government Activity Fee $65 undergraduate / 30美元的研究生


The United States dollar conversion will be determined 60 days prior to the beginning of each academic term.

学费/费用 每学期 每一个信用
本科学费 全职 兼职
参观和转移 15,200 € 1,310 €
永久 12,800 € 1,110 €
St. 路易斯出国留学 $27,380 $1,920
研究生学费 全职/兼职
大师 930 €
Madrid Cafeteria (full-time students) 110 €
留学费用(马德里) $350


学费/费用 每学期 每一个信用
slu -马德里留学 $27,380 $1,920
学费 每学期费用
留学学费 $26,340
安曼,约旦 $3,500
希腊雅典 $4,000
埃尔,苏格兰 $4,000
中国,北京 $4,500
意大利博洛尼亚 $5,000
比利时布鲁塞尔 $4,000
开普敦,南非 $4,500
高威,爱尔兰 $4,000
瑞士日内瓦 $6,500
澳大利亚黄金海岸 $4,500
德国海德堡 $3,500
莱顿,荷兰 $5,000
London, England (Fordham Liberal Arts) $10,500
London, England (Fordham Business School) $11,000
牛津大学,英国 $5,000
法国的普瓦捷和里昂 $6,500
基多、厄瓜多尔 $3,500
摩洛哥拉巴特 $3,500
罗马,意大利 $5,500
圣地亚哥,智利 $5,500
西西里、意大利 $4,000
索伦托,意大利 $5,500
奥地利的维也纳 $5,000

Understanding 学费 and 费用

Saint Louis University students with full-time time status† will pay full-time tuition and fees while students with less than full-time time-status will pay part-time tuition and fees. 看到博彩网址大全的 状态策略 了解更多信息.

Students enrolled in fall and spring courses are assessed tuition and fees associated with their primary college, school or degree-granting center, regardless of the course or courses taken. Students enrolled in summer courses are assessed tuition and fees associated with the college, school or degree-granting center of the course, regardless of their primary college, school or degree-granting center.

Students registered for courses at Saint Louis University remain financially obligated for a course unless and until they drop it by the prescribed deadlines for dropping and adding courses

Student Financial Responsibility 

All tuition and fees listed above are for the fall and spring semesters unless otherwise noted.

Additional information on Miscellaneous 费用

Additional information on Summer 学费

本科 students enrolling in more than 18 credits are considered in an overload and additional tuition will be charged at the standard per-credit rate for all additional credits above 18 credits in fall or spring.  看到 Overload of Fall/Spring Credits (本科) 政策以获取更多信息.